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May Training: Rescue Drills


Members of the Highland Park Volunteer Fire Department trained on Rescue, Carry & Drag Techniques and RIT (Rapid Intervention Team) Drills this past Tuesday. The evening began with some refresher & discussion on mayday calls, communications and emergency situations. Carry & drag techniques were demonstrated & discussed.


Firefighters were then broken up into teams of two and began at one of two areas for drill evolutions. At the first station firefighters were told they are a RIT Team and a report came in that a firefighter was down on either the floor above or floor below. They were to assume poor visibility & smoke/heat conditions so they would have to crawl. Full Personal Protective Gear (PPE), except for the hood due to heat/humidity, was worn and the firefighters were on air using the Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA).


Once the downed firefighter was located they were examined and prepared for drag or carry. Communication between the pairs was stressed and radio communications were simulated. The downed firefighter was dragged or carried back out to safety and a full critique was discussed by participants and observers.

The second station (no pictures due to darkness) was similar but more challenging. The pair of firefighters was again a RIT Team and the command had been given to rescue an immobile firefighter who was disoriented but still holding a hoseline. Visibility was zero. For the purpose of the drill the firefighters, still in full PPE & on-air, had their vision obscured with wax paper placed in the masks. They located the hoseline and then followed it to the downed firefighter, assessed the injured firefighter & prepared for drag/carry and then worked back out of the room, again following the hoseline. Nearly 150 feet of hose was stretched & wrapped around the room. If either or both firefighter had the low-air alarm sound on their SCBA, the drill was over. Again, a full critique was discussed.

The drills were physically demanding and challenging.

HPVFD Captain’s Tim Langan & Mark Borquist and Assistant Chief Marc Robinson created and delivered the drills. Thanks Chief Mike McMahon was on-hand to observe & offer critique. Captain Jeff Morris helped bring some newer members up-to-speed on SCBA usage and then jumped in himself to participate in the drill. Turnout from the Member Volunteers was fantastic and made for a long night of training but well worth it for all.

More pictures from the drill (thank you to Firefighters Tyler Morris & David Seiden for some of the photos):

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