From the Blog

Apparatus Checkouts & Training

WP_20140710_002At least once per week members of the Highland Park Volunteer Fire Department get together to inspect and review each piece of apparatus (the Fire Engines & Truck) and then head out on the road for training.

The Apparatus Inspections, or “Checkouts” help firefighters familiarize themselves with the working parts and equipment on each vehicle. During the checkout we visually inspect the tools, check the ladders, ensure all lights are working, test the radios, test the air packs, inspect the hoses, test the pump operations (for the Engines) or the aerial ladder operation (for the Truck) and more.


Repeating this process week after week ensures the safety and working operation of our equipment and also helps the memory recall of where & what equipment each vehicle has to offer. On an emergency call that memory recall comes in handy when you instinctively move to a particular compartment to grab a Fire Extinguisher.


Following the Checkout our Members begin Training – Driver Training, Pump Operations, Hose Deployment, etc.

During our most recent outing several members logged time with driver training on Engine 1, Engine 2 & Truck 3. Members also worked on pump operations for Engine 2 which included connecting to a hydrant and securing a water supply, engaging the Engine into pump, flowing water to hose handlines and maintaining specific pressure to the hoses. Members were also able to get valuable “Nozzle Time” – working with the hoses, deploying them from the Engine, calling for water (charging the line), feeling the pressure of the charged line and operating the hose.

The Checkout & Training nights have been valuable for the safety & secure operations of our equipment, to learn & educate how to use & operate during fire ground activities and to build comradery. Great energy & dedication from our Volunteer Members – thank you all.

For more photos please visit our Facebook Page:

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