From the Blog

Group Fitness Program for February “Heart”


Our first month incorporating a Health & Fitness Program for Highland Park Volunteer Fire Department was a great success. Ten different firefighters participated regularly in the two workouts per week through the month of January. We made use of our existing equipment (with some new additions – thanks Mordy!), trained together as a group, and had fun in the process.

Our group training philosophy is simple: move a little, sweat a little with functional exercises that mimic some functions on the fireground in a group setting that encourages one another while strengthening our bond as a department. We do this through a variety of strength & conditioning exercises that get a little harder or more intense week-over-week to stimulate the body and improve fitness.

Every participant in January did a great job and improved week after week. Let’s keep up that spirit and momentum in February. We will hold Group Fitness sessions each Monday at 7 PM and Wednesday at 5:30 at HP Station 37. Come join us or train on your own at home, at the gym, etc. and jump in at the Firehouse when you can.

Here is the plan for February, 2014 “Heart”:


Jumping Jacks – 20
Flings – 10
Seal Jacks – 10
Arm Circles – 10 (each direction, small & big)
Arm Stretches
Knee Raises – 10 (5 each leg)
Butt Kickers – 10 (5 each leg)
Hip Circles – 10 (5 each leg)
Hip Extensions – 20 (use Broomstick if needed)
Optional Warmup Add-On: 5 Mins on Bike

Workout A

  1. Goblet Squat (w/Medicine Ball, DB or KB)
  2. Chest Press
  3. Wide-Grip Lat Pulldown
  4. Plank
  5. DB or Band Curls
  6. Two-Arm KB Swings

Workout B

  1. Walking Lunge
  2. Close-Grip Lat Pulldown
  3. Glute Bridge (for time)
  4. L-Sit (for time)
  5. Triceps Pressdown
  6. Hurdle Jumps

Finishers & Off-Days

–       Jumping Jacks (30 seconds on, 30 seconds rest, repeat)
–       Jump Rope (30 seconds on, 30 seconds rest, repeat)
–       Bike (1 min sprint pace, 1 min easy pace, repeat)
–      Treadmill Walk (10-15 minutes with incline)
–      Treadmill Sprints (1 min sprint pace, 2 min easy pace, repeat)
–       StairMaster (5-10 mins total)

As we did in January we will start light/easy/etc. and increase the resistance and/or up the intensity each week. We will shoot for 3 or 4 rounds in week one, completing exercises 1-6 in order (but not necessarily 1, 2, 3, etc.) and then repeating for the number of rounds planned that day. We’ll add a round or two each week as we progress (5-6 max rounds).

Repetition ranges for the different exercises vary, as does resistance (amount of weight used). We will discuss those on-site at the Firehouse and adjust as needed per person. If you are following this at home use a weight/resistance you can handle for 8-10 repetitions per round.

KB Swings & Hurdle Jumps are meant to be done quickly with good form to really get the heart-rate going. We will do Swings for 15-20 reps and 5-10 jumps in each round.

There are several holds (plank, glute bridge & L-Sit) – these are done for time (20-40 seconds) each round.

And questions or suggestions – please let us know!

October 2013 Probationary Member Training


For the October 2013 Probationary Member Training Drill the Highland Park Volunteer Fire Department took advantage of access to an acquired structure for some additional work inside on forcible entry, wall breach and survival tactics.

HPVFD Firefighters discussed techniques on gaining entry or getting out of an enclosed room and then worked with tools to practice the techniques.

Thank you again to the owner at 425 Cleveland – the two trainings we held at the structure were both great, hands-on experiences with a ton learned, discussed & considered for future emergencies.

October 2013 Training – Live Burn


For the October, 2013 monthly training drill the Highland Park Volunteer Fire Department held a Live Burn at the Piscataway Fire School.

Members and part-time paid staff from Highland Park Fire Department went through three evolutions of fire attack, including primary & backup attack lines, pump operations, search & rescue and ventilation.


The three-story tower structure was used on the grounds at Piscataway for each evolution with HPVFD Engine 1 pumping for hoseline operations and Truck 3 providing tools & roof ventilation.


After each evolution members participated in a full critique of the operation.


Thank you to everyone who was able to make it out & train and thank you to Piscataway for the venue.

Video from the setup & start to the first evolution:

Helmet Cam Video from the third evolution:

Helmet Cam video from HPVFD Chief Mike McMahon – he is starting the fire for one of the evolutions. You get a good look at the incipient stage of the fire, some heavy smoke and a nice shot of the rollover. Tough to see the thermal layers with the smoke but they are there – tough conditions abound this day to get good fires going, this one was probably the best: