For our June, 2013 Probationary Member Training, bad weather forced us inside to improvise. With two new members about to start Firefighter 1 classes at Middlesex County Fire Academy in June and one more starting in September we took the opportunity to go over our full Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and the Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) that we wear in any dangerous situation – in the Fire Service we call these IDLH (Immediately Dangerous to Life & Health).
HPVFD Probationary Firefighters worked on “Donning” & “Doffing” (put on & take off) their full PPE, identifying the parts of the SCBA, donning the SCBA, going on air & coming off air with the SCBA respirator & swapping bottles on the SCBA backpack.
Seems like simple steps but so vital & important to do often & make a habit. The time & efficiency to get into the full protective gear, as well as familiarization with the SCBA can be the difference in life-safety situations.
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